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Monday, 2 September 2019

what are sexual problems in mans.

Does your partner really think that you can’t have a rigid erection, or are you burning the midnight oil to make her believe that?
Well, erectile dysfunction is an inability to get an erection firm enough to perform sexual activity— but it is possible that your impotence has less to do with body issues and more to do with your psychological differences.
Yes, it’s true that many men who have erectile dysfunction try to convince their partners by excusing their blames on low testosterone levels, low libido, or even low micronutrients, but shy away in disclosing the reality— the reality which might lock the doors of relationship forever.
The reality is so different, much different than your woman thinks— and you should be ashamed yourself— ashamed not because you hid it, but you chose to give an alternative explanation for your disorder.
The reality of erectile dysfunction
A lot of men don’t get an erection due to the over-familiarity of their spouses.
Yes, they have discovered and explored each cell of their partners and as they are familiar with the every minute expressions— the pleasurable scream, the orgasmic grunting, the eyes-shut sensuality, kissing grin, etc., they find nothing exciting in their women.
In the world of political correctness, ED caused by the over-familiarity of women might hurt a lot of flag bearers of feminism.
Are you one of them who’d avert sex by weaving stories which actually make your partner trust you?
Listen to me.
There’s a science behind it, and it’s better that you pull off the false face and talk plain horse sense with your wife.
Let me explain the science.
Our minds program our bodies to work efficiently.
Over a period, when you drive a car, your legs get synced to the function of it.
You talk over the phone, you listen to music, you look around the environment, and yet your legs know when to accelerate and when not to.
Similarly, when you operate a mobile phone, you don’t even look at the keypad, and your fingers reach where they should.
With the practice of trial and error, your body learns the muscle movement, and your brain draws the pattern.
That’s exactly the same with sex.
When you make love in a familiar pattern, your brain has a habit of developing a model.
Once it builds the pattern, when you try to attempt the familiar position, your brain tends to pay less attention and connects muscle movements with the sexual function.
You can’t expect the same stimulus to produce the same excitement time and again which you got it from the first sexual encounter; much like you can’t expect the same stimulus to generate the same intensity of fear when you did your first bungee jumping.
Probably this is the reason why we use the term “my first experience,” because the first experience is got to have the most active brain, and after that, our mind works in a power saving mode.
Plan out the truth
If you really wish to reorganize and revitalize your relationship, you should spill out the truth to your partner— irrespective of the consequences.
Don’t fear the first reaction because that’s also the first experience— to hear your disinterest in your partner.
Over time, the reaction mellows down because again— no same stimulant can yield the same response every time.
Along with planning the truth out, you should explain the concept of muscle, body, and brain connection, and how they collectively contribute to ED.
We believe that it has more convincing reality and makes more sense in comparison to the hoaxes you have been creating for evading sex.
So, has over-familiarity snatched your sexual interest? Try to be the change— start by reciting the science behind it.

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