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Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Your body may undergo amazing changes after doing the HCG Diet. You will lose a great deal of weight. You will notice inches off your body and your appetite will also change.
After the HCG Diet
Healthy weight loss reductions. HCG burns excess fat from all over your body. You will shed fats from your hips, thigh, waist, arms, neck and butt. However, the weight that you are going to lose will not be the same for all dieters. How much weight you lost depends on factors like:
  • How overweight you are at the beginning of the diet.
  • The states of your hormone like the estrogen and the progesterone.
  • Your age
  • If you have some type of adrenal or thyroid problems.
If you do not belong to the perfect picture of health, you will lose weight but not as fast as other healthy dieters. No matter what your weight loss result be (whether the number is big or not), be happy with the results. Your body is unique. You cannot force your body to work the way someone else’s body does.
Change in appetite. You will experience a decrease in your appetite after doing the HCG Diet. A small amount of food seems to be sufficient enough to keep you going. The HCG diet is simply not just a diet that will allow you to lose weight. While you were doing the diet, you are following a very strict calorie intake. After the diet, you slowly introduce new foods back. These are all part of the process in training and preparing your body to eat the right kind and the right amount of foods. Your body also becomes more sensitive to different types of food.
Increased energy level. Once weight loss has occurred, you will notice an increase in your energy level. The HCG in your body will help release adipose fat and converts it into valuable energy.
Better endurance. As you shed weight, you are able to exercise more easily and you breathe more freely. You will be able to work out harder and longer using your reserve energy.
Lower cholesterol. HCG together with low calorie intake helps reduces blood cholesterol level thus reducing also your chances of having heart-related problems.
Look good and feel great.  You will look and feel great once you see amazing results. Once you are on the right path to health and wellness, you can continue with a healthy diet to maintain your weight loss.

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